"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. ~Author Unknown"
I'm one of those people who like to look at quotes any time I'm trying to figure out how I'm feeling. It's like I need to find the "oh so"right poetic way to describe the thoughts circling my head. When found this one i both laughed at how true it is, but also was slightly taken aback and forced to think about this decision in front of me now, and if it's a bad one?
I know i don't have enough experience to say with 100% assurance that this decision I'm making is based on past experiences, I'm making this on a whim and a prayer and having faith that things will work out.
This Decision can potentially put our company (Lab 206) on a path towards rapid growth, or potentially set us at the back of the pack. This is a race, and opportunities come and go to give you a fighting chance within this race, and we can sit by and keep chugging along or we can take the risk and bite that incoming bullet (this post is just riddled with bad clichés)
Without great risk, you cannot have great reward. How many businesses, have both risen and fallen under that same notion . I guess we'll see in the next coming months where we end up with the decisions made this week. If they bear fruit or end up being the poison apple, time will tell..and time favours the young.
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