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 "Cinema is lying 24 frames per second, all story is manipulation."

I love Ken Burns's take on story and what it means to him and i can see some of this sentiments being reflected in my own way of thinking, my own view of story. We use story to extend ourselves, and when we stop telling stories we lose who we are.
This hit home in a very small way, yesterday as I was speaking at a Career day at a Primary School, I just made a passing example about Papa Bois, and not a hint of recognition was in these kids. They can go on and on about Spiderman and Batman, but our own stories are being lost, and im not just referring to folklore, but our story whatever that may be.

I'm left to wonder, who and where are our storytellers, what are the stories they choose to tell, who do they choose to tell them to or who would they want to read their stories, learn from their stories, experience their stories and do they even ask themselves these questions?


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