phone: +1-868-464-3747


Alot of things have happened since the last time i posted anything and well i'd like to partially blame it on the lame design i had for the blog before, but now that its somewhat better i actually wanna post stuff here.

Thats my reasoning and i'm sticking to it :P.

So im finished with UTT, Finished, but not complete ( they are two different things in my head where one is jus done while the other is there's still so much more i wanna do it with but i'll jus hand it up cause times up) my film; UNTITLED, and well started with some of my fellow students an animation company.

SO i guess the reason for dusting off the dust thats collected on this blog is to kinda make sure i stick to my word and actually create.

CREATE something
CREATE anything

I've been procrastinating way too long always leaving things for tomorrow when i need to realize i have all the time in the world today.

BTW, hope u guys like the design of the blog, was pulling my teeth trying to figure out this css, xml coding thing lol

1 comment:

  1. like the new look. maybe i can get you to re-design my blog page. LOL.
